Janet became an accredited healer after successfully completing the two-year programme and exams at the College of Psychic Studies, South Kensington. The College’s programme has been accredited at Stage 4, the highest level of training currently obtainable, by the UK Healers association. Janet is a healer at one of the College of Psychic Studies’ Healing Clinics.

Janet’s healing work is complimented by her training and experience as a licensed psychologist.

Janet is a member of the College of Psychic Studies and is insured as a healer.

Practice Times

Janet Munro-Nelson and
Judith Palmer work alternate Saturdays.

Session (45 mins) £45

Call 020 7267 3334 for appointments.


Each of us has the ability to be healthy and energetic when our bodies and the energy fields around the physical body are in balance. Unfortunately, stresses from the outside world and our responses to people and events cause us to become imbalanced. These stresses may be caused by the pressures of work, injuries, illness, relationships, emotional upsets, insecurity and a vast array of other causes.

As healers, we work with different healing energies to allow and support the total body to regain its original and integral balance. During a healing, we direct energy to the chakras (the energy centres of the body) to help the energetic flow of these centres. When the body is in a positive state of health, the energy flows easily through the chakras and around the body. The client should know that for healing to continue and actually produce positive results over time, the client needs to be involved in getting better. We, as healers, cannot impose healing.

Each healing session lasts for approximately 45 minutes. This allows discussion of the session, answering any questions you may have and the actual healing. The healing can be given with you either sitting on a chair or lying on a couch. You remain fully clothed during the healing.

Janet and Judith each practice at Lemon Balm on alternate Saturdays 10am until 2pm. Each session costs £45, on calling for an appointment, a choice of session times will be given

On your first visit, you will be requested to complete a registration form. Please plan to arrive ten minutes before your appointment time to complete this form.